“Perfect numbers like perfect men are very rare.”
~Rene Descartes, French Philosopher, Mathematician & Scientist
We now have a facebook page for channeling and have been accepting questions from fans. The latest Lullites channeling is an answer to a question from Martin Canovas: “What is the meaning of the number 1111 that so many people see over and over again?”
The Lullites speak about the alignment vibration of this numerical phenonmena and also about why this is an inspiring momentum for Earth and humankind.
Read the text after the audio for a full transcription of their words.
Hello, we are the Lullites.
We have received your question about the number 1111 (eleven-eleven.) It is a very common question, with many different answers.
From our point of view — the raised vibration — we look at the simple alignment of energy that is represented by the four ones. 4 is always a number of balance and 1, of course, is a number of the beginning. Beginning, actually, exists at nothingness, at what you would call 0. But the action begins at 1. This means that when you see four ones, you have complete balance, complete newness and the beginning of movement in a new direction.
The complete balance also exists within the Oneness, the Source from which all things come. 1111 is a moment of Oneness and is always a sign of a new beginning, the momentum beginning to move in a different direction. It is a very light energy and taking a moment to be in that complete alignment, that complete balance of new beginning, adds more light and more Oneness to the world.
Of course, 1111 (eleven-eleven) has always existed, but people are now beginning to see it, to see it often enough to realize that there is a shift occuring on your planet or, at least, in your reality of your planet. Of course, this couldn’t have been so in the ancient past because you didn’t have these simple, what you call, digital clocks now. The representation, the visual representation of time was such that you could not see simple numbers in alignment as you can now. And, of course, the recognition of 1111 was not so prevalent when your digital clocks first came into existence. It will begin to occur more and more, and people who have very little self or spiritual awareness at all, will begin to take note of it. And every time you take note of it, it creates a subtle shift in energy within your own body, within your own aura or chi energy.
It is a way of the energy shift that is subtly occurring all around you, helping to prepare you for its ultimate manifestation. And the same time, if you pause and contribute your awareness, your recognition of a new beginning, your recognition of the state of Oneness that all things exist from the same thing — if you pause and contribute this awareness simply by thinking of it, acknowledging it, smiling at it, you contribute this awareness to the entire globe and it helps to subtly shift into that place of peace and joy, the higher dimensional spiritual energy toward which your planet and everything on it is currently working.
So you can see the symbiotic relationship. The 1111 occurs, you see it, it helps to subtly shift your energy. It is working for you.
1111 occurs, you notice it, think about its positive attributes and you contribute to helping the shift occur. And so you are helping it.
All things are converging to try and bring your planet to the next level of vibration, one which is, of course, much closer, much more like the Source from which everything originates. That is a level of vibration, a level of reality that is closer to loving Oneness.
So, when you see 1111 (eleven-eleven) or its counterpart 222 (two-twenty-two)— the balance, the new beginning, the birth of light — pause in whatever you are doing, take a moment to let the vibration of it sink into you and a moment to allow your vibration, your support of the overall higher vibration, the higher intention, the moment of balance and alignment that is 1111 to simply be. And when the moment passes, go on about your day. You will see these convergences of numbers when most need to see them, when they can have the most positive effect on you.
As the Earth begins to raise its vibration, it will eventually reach a point when numbers have no meaning or rather numbers when seen are seen as their energy rather than their supposed numerical value. It is their energy that makes things what they are. For now, let the positive energy sink into you and know that you and the world are heading for a better place, a place closer to spirit where the true positive things that you long for and that the planet needs can simply be manifested through the intention and the love of all conscious beings. Continue on your own path toward consciousness and let the new beginning continue on its path.
In love, we thank you. Namaste.