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Posts Tagged ‘balance’

Living in True Hope: For You & The Planet

“Hope is the only bee that makes honey without flowers.”
~ Robert Ingersoll, Political Orator

True  Hope Light

I believe that we as humans are born hopeful. That we have an inherent light within us that lives in positivity, no matter what the circumstance. This is borne out by the repeated words and advice of the spirit guides.

It may not always be easy to remember and have faith in this inner light and, when looking outside of ourselves, to the Earth and the human community, we may more easily see evidence of darkness and despair. But the truth is that we are all creations of the infinite light, that hope is always with us waiting to shine upon our path.

This is true for both individuals and for the planet upon which we live.

Based on my own experience and the wisdom of the guides, here are some valuable actions that you can take to ensure the growth of hope, within your own life and the life of the Earth:

  • 1. Incorporate a practice of daily meditation into your life. This helps to empower your thinking, balance your energy and de-stress your life. It also helps you see the positive in more things, when the negative would seem to be more obvious. Meditation is a great regulator of stress, fear, high-blood pressure and depression. Take 15 minutes for connecting with yourself every day.
  • 2. Switch to a diet that supports the natural processes of the planet, one incorporating organic, seasonal foods. A vegetarian or vegan diet is even more beneficial for the pressure that it takes off of the environment (commercial meat farming uses an inordinate amount of natural resources.) If you buy local, seasonal, organic produce it will … Continue reading →


“Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you.”
~Maori Proverb

Wheat in the SunlightHere is a new channeling brought down from the higher self. Her intention was to inspire you to think more positive thoughts and to put down what you are doing, to go outside and spend some time under the sacred sunlight:

There is light and there is dark.

The dark is fed by darkness.

The light is fed by lightness.

Spend time in the sunlight to become more light.

Spend time in the night-dark to become more dark.

Neither is more or less valid than the other.

All is balance.

All is right.

There is joy and there is sadness.

All things are but one thing.

One thing fades into another and thus they are … Continue reading →

Kosmopharos: On Earth’s Second Moon

Earth and Two Moons

“The moon looks upon many night flowers; the night flowers see but one moon.”

~Jean Ingelow, English Poet and Author

These are the entities that we have been working with for our new book project.

They sometimes speak on random, unexpected things. This time it was a diatribe on our now defunct second moon.

Although it may be easy to see this as a negative or dark message, it is the point that they are trying to make which is of real value…

We need to work to amplify the light within each of us and on our planet as a whole.

These are their words:

Kosmopharos: We would like to speak a bit.

You planet once had two moons. One of which has now gone dark, but its energy signature still circles you.

It is not the cause of chaos on your planet. Many things have caused that. But it amplifies, it is an amplifier. It is important for people to feel connected with your moon, Luna, not simply because it controls the tides on your planet, which is value enough, but because in not valuing it, in ignoring it, they unconsciously amplify the amplifier of the chaos.

The moon is beautiful and filled with inspiration, but it is the reason that … Continue reading →